CocaCola Canning Factories Renovation

Jointless flooring to permanently solve acidic corrosion

Coca Cola Canning factories in Da Lian was installed with Acid Resistant Tile. Because tiles floor is not joint free, the strong acidic solution from the process will corrode the sealing between tiles. This make the concrate base below expose to corrossion from acid from the leak.
Long-term expose to acid corrossion will make the concrate base chalking and form hollow. The tiles on top will peal off and causing operation alot of headache.
In Coca Cola Canning project, Forintech and ecosystem partner help CocaCola hatching entire existing corrode tiles, reinstall 100mm concrete and installed Freecrete® MF 4mm PU screed as finishing. With the new PU screed, it permamently solve the acidic corrossion issue thanks to its jointless surface and strong chemical resistance. Coca Cola never experience the pain to stop manufacturing to repair floor.
Total area installed more than 1000 sqm.
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