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Eggriculture Foods Ltd

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Installation of various types of flooring at the Eggriculture Foods Ltd. factory

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Eggriculture Foods Ltd. (HK GEM: 8609) engages in production and sale of egg products. It is currently one of the three-layer farms licensed by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) to produce fresh chicken eggs in Singapore. Its farm occupies 13 hectares of farm land in Singapore with about half a million chickens producing an average of 500,000 fresh eggs daily.

Forintech Int. was tasked with the installation of different types of flooring for the different sections of the factory to suit the various and unique demands of production. 

Flooring types that were installed included:

  • General production space: Forincrete MF 

  • Steam room: Forincrete MF

  • Wall Skirting: Forincrete Cove PU

  • Cold storage: Forincrete MT


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